SEO: Dead or Alive?

In this weeks lesson Wags talked in great detail about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).  A part of this included an article which debated the question, is SEO dead?  The article argued that SEO is not dead but rather is just changing. I found the article very interesting and three of the trends that the article discussed were content marketing, social media marketing and a shift to mobile usage.

Firstly, content marketing is crucial for a company looking to use SEO. One way to optimise a sites position on a search engine such as google is to have good quality content that is linked to other sites. If the content a site is publishing is of a good quality and it is clear to googles algorithm that the site is at a certain standard and relevant content is clearly provided then it is highly likely that the page will be highly ranked.

Another trend that I found interesting was social media marketing . In the 2017 Sensis Social media report it stated that 60% of large businesses are now capitalising on social media marketing. As consumers become more reliant on social media in there everyday lives company’s need to respond to this change. If they fail to have a strong social media presence they are reducing their chances of being highly ranked in a web search.

Source: GeoMarketing

Finally, the shift towards mobile usage is becoming increasingly present. Consumers no longer sit down at a computer to search something that they want to know. With mobile phones becoming more powerful consumers can now search the internet wherever they are. If a site is not mobile friendly consumers will not react positively and will ignore the site despite the content or quality of the product or service being provided.

What do you think?

Is this the way that SEO is headed to survive or do you believe that voice search poses a great enough threat to “kill” SEO?

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