Online and offline: Can they work together?

As technology becomes a more integrated part of our lives we have to think about the benefits of it both online and offline. Earlier this week I was thinking about how digital marketing can effect offline performance and came across an article that talks about offline campaigns with digital marketing. The article suggested a number of strategies but the two I found most interesting were using Hashtags and Influencers.

Hashtags can be an effective way to track the success of an offline campaign. Using a hashtag can create a conversation about an offline campaign that will grow beyond offline and become online. When this happens the success of the campaign can be seen with the campaign reaching further than it could have as a mere offline campaign. A great example of the use of hashtags offline was the #shareacoke campaign. Through the use of the hashtag coke created a integrated campaign and created a conversation about their products that a mere ad would not have.


The other strategy that I liked was the use of influencers and in particular social media influencers. Social media is a powerful tool for marketers and social media influencers can help a company reach a new potential market without even needing to create an online campaign. Social media influencers can bring consumers attention to an offline campaign that is being run. This gains more attention for a brand and more consumers are likely to buy the product because they have trust in the opinion of the individuals that bring the campaign to their attention. Influencers can even use hashtags to help promote a campaign.

How else can these strategies and digital marketing be used to increase the success of offline campaigns?

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